Gina has spent her whole life striving to be perfect. She has done everything possible to please her parents, gain the approval of her so-called friends, and get her crush’s attention, but it never seems to be enough.
Struggling to deal with everything that is asked of her Gina is on the verge of breaking when the new guy deicide to become apart of her life. He decides to disrupt everything that Gina has come to believe.
Could he be right? Is perfection not really something Gina should strive for? Or will listening to him destroy everything Gina has worked for?
About the Author:
Nancy E Wood was born into a missionary family and lived in Hungary until she turned twenty. Her whole childhood, she loved reading and stories, writing some of her own, but never believing she actually had the talent to be an author. Speaking multiple languages, she never thought she would be good enough in any to become a wordsmith.
Perfect was on my TBR list for a while. When scrolling through tons and tons of books that I had been wanting to read, I stopped on this book. Now at first, I thought about skipping over this book and coming back to it at a later date but I couldn’t help myself. I was afraid this book would be a cheesy book that I would end up not finishing. Here is the thing though, I was drawn to the beautiful cover and the summary which captured my thoughts so I had to read this book. Boy was I glad that I did.
Perfect is the first book in the Perfect series. This series is a series that I feel as though every teenage girl can connect with. We might not be the pastor’s daughter who is always going out of her way to help others but in many ways, I strive to be perfect. I strive to have the perfect grades, to be able to perfectly help my friends and family when they ask and when I fail to do so I feel like I have done something wrong. That I should have been able to do everything perfectly. I have already told a few of my friends about this book because I feel like at the age we are right now this book is something we can connect with perfectly.
The thing that I love the most about this book is that even though it is fiction it is based on Wood’s life. It makes it a based on a true story Christian read. I feel as though this helped the book to not turn out cheesy and boring. The depth that Wood was able to give Gina was because she was in Gina’s shoes at one point. Now Wood did not write Gina’s story to be exactly like hers. Wood’s used key things that happened or that was said in her life to helping in developing Gina.
Overall this has been one of the best books I have read. I could not put this book down and for the hour that I read this book, I felt as though I was Gina. The only thing I struggled with was how short this read was. I felt as though I had just started to see Gina’s heart. I felt as though when we finally got to understand why Gina strived to be perfect and then the book was put to an end. This saddened me, I sat staring at my phone and all I could think was this is not the end. This cannot be the end. Well, it was, but I found out that the next book comes out on October 18! I cannot wait for the next book! I truly fell in love with the story Wood wrote and I cannot wait to read Alone.
I have the closest thing to a perfect life. I have loving parents, a nice house, a cute little sister, and an even cuter dog. I’m smart and have perfect grades, and most people say I’m pretty. I’m a Christian and a pastor’s daughter. I’ve taken part in every church event that ever existed. I have the dream life. And I’m falling apart.
Location 76
“You shouldn’t be killing yourself helping everyone, though. If I were you, I’d do as much as I felt like doing and say I’m sorry to everyone else. You have to take care of yourself.”
Location 1,020
I’m good at hiding my feelings from others. But why is it so hard to hide them from myself?
Location 1,149
“God doesn’t expect us to be perfect—in fact, He says we’ll never be perfect. That’s why we need grace. He loves us the way we are. A lot of people don’t get it. They think being a Christian means following the whole law. But God’s word isn’t supposed to be a burden; it’s meant to set us free.”
Location 1,183