10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) About Christianity,  Rebecca McLaughlin

10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer)About Christianity

Rating: 5 out of 5.

In a world of increasing ideological diversity, kids are being challenged to think through their own beliefs at an early age. Questions like How can you believe the Bible is true?Why can’t we just agree that love is love?; and Isn’t Christianity against diversity? can seem like roadblocks for kids who are following Jesus, as well as for those who might otherwise consider faith in Christ. In this helpful book–written both for Christian kids and for those who think Jesus is just a fairy tale character–Rebecca McLaughlin invites readers ages 12-15 to dig deep into hard questions for themselves and perhaps discover that the things that once looked like roadblocks to faith might actually be signposts.

About the Author:

Rebecca McLaughlin (PhD, Cambridge University) is the cofounder of Vocable Communications, a communications consulting and training firm. She is also a regular contributor to the Gospel Coalition and previously spent nine years working with top academics at the Veritas Forum, which hosts forums on college campuses with conversations that pursue answers to life’s hardest questions.

When I saw that this title was a part of Crossways blog review program, I felt as if it was written for me. The reason I thought that it was for me was that I am a teen. Shocker right y’all? I might seem a lot younger or even a lot older, because of the books I chose to read, but nope I’m a teen. Second I ask a lot of questions. A lot, like my family members and friends, often tell me that I need to stop asking questions because I ask so much.

When I began reading, I could not put this book down. McLaughin used a mix of Biblical Theology and Disney to perfectly illustrate how our questions are answered. From childhood memories to Moana quotes all the way to quotes from the Bible, I was sucked into a world filled with answers to many questions that I had been asking. Most theology books are geared towards children or adults. So much so that I was jumping for joy when I found that an author had taken time away from writing to Children or Adults to write a story for me. For all teens. A book for just us to learn that it is ok to have questions about our faith, but it is not ok to leave them unanswered because that is when doubt creeps in.

I loved being able to see McLaughin use Disney quotes to better explain the points that she made. It was unlike anything that I had ever seen. I never thought movies that I use to watch as a child would be able to point me to the Lord. I also loved the way that McLaughin gave a short background of each Disney character or Harry Potter reference. I felt as though each background allowed every reader to understand the point McLaughin was trying to make without the need to read or watch the movies.

This book was not written for the purpose to answer all questions perfectly. No, it was written to teach us the importance of being in the word. To going to Him when we struggle with doubt and not allowing the enemy to draw us away from the word. Now do not get me wrong. This book is able to answer ten questions over the course of this book, but since this book is so short and geared for any teen during their walk, there are some points that the author did not go too deep into.

I received this book from crossway’s blog review program. My thoughts are my own and not paid for.

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