Beyond the Four Kingdoms,  Fairy Tale,  Melanie Cellier

A Tale of Beauty and Beast

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Princess Sophia has helped her twin sister Lily save the duchy of Marin. But now Sophie faces an even greater threat when she sets out to free the cursed kingdom of Palinar from its beastly prince. Alone, and with danger on every side, Sophie must navigate a magical castle and its even more mysterious master to discover the secret to breaking the curse.

About the Author:

Melanie Cellier grew up on a staple diet of books, books and more books. And although she got older, she never stopped loving children’s and young adult novels. She always wanted to write one herself, but it took three careers and three different continents before she actually managed it.


To think that A Dance of Silver and Dance would be my favorite retelling could not have been more wrong. After finishing A Dance of Silver and Dance, I could not wait to start A Tale of Beauty and Beast. After having read Lilly’s story, I could not wait to dive into her twin sister’s Sophie story.

When I found out that Sophie’s story was a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, I could not have been more excited. Growing up Beauty and the Beast was my favorite princess movie. I do not know if it was because of how close our names are, the way she gave herself to save her Dad or the library that was in the Beauty and the Beast. Regardless this book became my favorite book in The Four Kingdom Series. Now, this had nothing to do with the fact that Sophie was Belle in this story. No, this was my favorite because of how well developed it was.

I love the way how Sophie chooses to go without Lilly to protect her. Sophie said that it was her turn to protect her sister. I love how we get to see Sophie step up and save her sister no matter how scared she was. I like how Cellier stripped Sophie of her sister. While it was heartbreaking, it really helped shape Sophie’s character. She had to figure out what life would be like without her sister and she had to learn how to stand up for herself. Being able to watch Sophie grow into her own person besides being known as Lilly’s twin or Max’s sister was amazing. I have no words to describe it.

But now that she was stripped away from me, I saw that it was not enough. Alone I was weak, when all I wanted was to be strong.

Page 45

While I usually do not like retellings to be so close to the original, A Tale of Beauty and Beast changed that for me. I liked the way that the story was close, but Cellier added in differences to turn the store into her own. These difference not only shaped the book but it overall changes the way that I looked at the book. Now to tell you the truth, I cannot decide if I would rather watch the movie that surrounded my childhood or read this amazing book that changed my world.

If I was honest with you, you wouldn’t wish to help me.

Page 198

I have with gardeners to develop it as a gift to you. I feared it wouldn’t be ready in time, but when I came out this morning, the first rose had bloomed. It is called Belle Sophia.

Page 219

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