Blades of Acktar,  Christian Fiction,  Tricia Mingerink

Deliver – The Blades of Acktar

Rating: 5 out of 5.

A Blade must only trust himself. Trusting others could lead their death.

After all of the past events, Martyn finds himself broken. Broken from betraying his master, broken from torturing his friend and broken from memories of the past. Running away from all that he caused is supposed to stop the guilt, right? Will Martyn ever be able to outrun the destruction he has caused?

Leith is broken, torn apart from betraying his friend, he struggles to find where he fits in. He might no longer be a Blade, but to everyone he is. Will he ever be to outrun his past as a Blade?

What will it take to truly deliver Acktar from all of the pain and suffering that it has gone through

About the Author:

Tricia Mingerink is in her twenty’s. She is loves reading, writing, and horseback riding. When she is not writing or reading, she will be out pursuing adventures all over the world. She has written two book series called The Blades of Acktar and Beyond the Tales. Both book series will want you longer for more reading material to read.

Deliver is such an amazing book because most authors that I have read stop right after the conflict is put to an end. It always leaves me to wonder what happened to the characters. Did they go on any more adventures? Did the have a hard time fitting in? All of these questions encompass my ever thought. Mingerink wrote Deliver in a way that helps add closer to some of these questions. She was able to continue the story in a way that way not boring but rather in a way that left you longing to read her stories.

Each page that she writes is filled with adventure and best of all the word of the Lord. One of the things I look for when reading a Christian Fiction book is that it lives up to being a Christian book. That it has sound theology that does not fill you with a sense that because we are Christian everything will be ok. Mingerink’s series does that. Each page is filled with different struggles that mirror our struggles. There are struggles such as being too far gone, not being strong enough, is there really a God, and many more. Each of these struggles is shown in the different characters’ life.

Being able to see Martyn’s story in this book really helped me connect with him. At first, I was furious at Martyn for not sticking with Leith. Why did he betray his friend? Although I was furious at him, I fell in love with his story. I loved the way that we got to see that not only was Leith broken but we also saw that Martyn was too. Introducing Kayleigh into the story added such a fun twist that I no longer hated Martyn. I absolutely adored when Kayleigh made Martyn wash his mouth out with soap! I was dying laughing because at school when someone cusses near me I go make them sit by the trash can and spit all their trashy words in it. It was so much fun to be able to connect with Kayleigh about that too.

“A deal was a deal. Martyn took the soap and grimaced at it. Brown-colored suds had dried in waves along its off-white surface. Dirt from the floor? The walls? Probably best if he didn’t know. Flecks of some sort of plant embedded in the bar. Did he really have to put that thing in his mouth? He drew in a deep breath, opened his mouth, and ran the bar of soap over his tongue. For a moment, he couldn’t taste anything. Then, a floral something, tasting exactly as it smelled, coated his tongue followed by a bland, almost milky aftertaste.”

(Page 145)

“That’s the struggle of being a Christian. We are called to walk the narrow path that balances condemning sin yet showing kindness. Often, we wander onto one side or the other.”

(Page 199)

“Those scars are proof that God has changed him. Whatever Leith did as a Blade, it has been paid for with Christ’s blood.”

(Page 348)

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