Helen Thorne,  Hope In An Anxious World

Hope In An Anxious World

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Whether mildly, moderately or severely, feeling anxious is something most of us experience at some point in our lives. At its core, it’s a fear–a sense of worry or tension–about what is or what might occur, but it’s not one that helps. It drags us down–it doesn’t enable us to thrive–and it leaves us unequipped for the day ahead.

About the Author:

Helen Thorne is the Director of Training and Mentoring at London City Mission and a trustee of Biblical Counselling UK. She loves to help people connect the realities of life to the riches of Scripture and is keen that every book and every speaking engagement, enables people to look to Jesus for real hope and encouragement. She lives in South West London with her 2 cats (Molly and Moo) and is extremely fond of Korean food.

This small book only contains about 100 pages, yet it will leave a huge impact on your life and the way you view your anxiety. Thorne writes this book to help us as believers know that we are not alone in our walk dealing with anxiety. Everyone at one point in their life deals with anxiety. It does not matter your age, beliefs, or even the color of your skin. Thorne shows us that while we all struggle with anxiety, some of us suffer more than others. She discusses that though we suffer from anxiety there are core parts of Christianity that help us deal with anxiety. These Biblical truths help us realize that though we might seem alone, others have walked through the same fear.

This book is broken up into two key parts; the first deals with living in an anxious world, while the second part of the book deals with how there is hope despite our anxieties. Over the course of this book, Thorne chose to take some time teaching us about what anxiety is, who suffers from it, and how we fight against our worries. Thorne also teaches us how to combat the lies anxiety tries to tell us.

While the Bible is a key part of learning to hand your anxieties over to the Lord, Thorne reminded us that the Bible is not a self-help book. The Bible was not written to help us deal with our worries, but rather it is there to help us with our walk with the Lord. This is a key part of understanding the world. So often we go to the Bible wondering how it can help us, rather than letting it draw us closer to the Lord.

I personally love this title, but I wish I could have enjoyed it for a little bit longer, because of it being a short read, I was able to complete this book in less than an hour. I wish that Thorne would have taken a little bit longer to present our hope despite dealing with anxiety. Despite this book being small, I enjoy this book more than any other anxiety books that I have read.

986261: Hope in an Anxious World: 6 Truths for When Things Feel Overwhelming Hope in an Anxious World: 6 Truths for When Things Feel Overwhelming
By Helen Thorne

I received this book in exchange of my honest review. My thoughts are my own and not paid for.

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